Ann’s sampler which she finished in the year 1843 does not give her age but the charming scene she has created with her needle and some thread can be nothing other than a young girl’s depiction of an idyllic way for her to dream away a summer’s afternoon. You can imagine Ann sat in her mother’s flower filled garden in the shade of a lofty tree, dressed in her best party frock with matching bead necklace and earrings. Curled next to her is her cat gently purring with contentment, whilst her King Charles spaniel, yapping joyfully, plays with her two pet lambs. You can almost hear the bird song on that long ago summer’s afternoon and smell the heady scent of the rose in her hand. I wonder if she is waiting for her beau to call?
The sampler has been executed entirely in cross stitch over one and two threads with the exception of 5 short straight stitches and is suitable for a beginner through to an advanced needleworker.
With our grateful thanks to Melissa Coyle who lovingly stitched the model.
Stitch Guide
The sampler has been executed entirely in cross stitch over one and two threads with the exception of 5 short straight stitches and is suitable for a beginner through to an advanced needleworker.

Cross Stitch ~ is the most popular stitch in counted needlework. When working Cross Stitch the top stitch should always lie in the same direction for a neat and uniform finish. Traditionally worked as a complete stitch before passing to the next, the stitch can also be worked in lines, for example, by bringing your needle up at bottom left and down at top right then moving to the next stitch and repeating throughout the line. At the end of the line reverse direction and cross each stitch made on the first journey.
Hands Across the Sea Samplers are on hand to help those stitching our charts. If you need assistance or have any questions we can be reached via email, address shown below, or the contact page on our website. Our website has stitching tutorials which can be found in the “sewing basket/tools” section.