Ann’s sampler is presented to you in two different formats ~ an instant pdf download and as a printed booklet. Details of the printed booklet can be found HERE.

There are 4 versions of the pdf. You will be able to download any or all of the following versions of the pdf and the graph:
Version 1 ~ A pdf with a twenty-five-page colour chart.
Version 2 ~ A pdf with a one-page colour chart (intended to be viewed/used on your tablet, phone, laptop, or computer).
Version 3 ~ A pdf with a twenty- five-page black and white symbol chart.
Version 4 ~ A pdf with a one-page black and white symbol chart (intended to be viewed/used on your tablet, phone, laptop, or computer).

The design is suitable for intermediate and advanced needleworkers but is not beyond a determined beginner. The stitches used are cross stitch over 1 and 2 threads, satin stitch, stem stitch, a few Algerian eyelets and long-arm cross stitch.
Ann’s sampler is magnificent and caught our eye the moment we saw her listed for sale at an auction in England. The sampler was described as:
“A 19th century needlework Sampler by Ann Castle, dated 1811, 45cm x 32cm, (the owners grandparents believe the image of the house in the sampler is that of Holly Cottage, 18 High Street, Wargrave, Berkshire. Ann Castle lived in the cottage which formed part of the estate of the local manor house, the (owners) grandparents lived in the house as both were in service at the local manor house, one as a chauffeur and the other as a housemaid. They continued to live at Holly Cottage after their retirement and it is possible that the sampler was in Holly Cottage while they lived there and was subsequently gifted to them at some point. While the sampler shows three upstairs windows you can see from the photo with the sampler that the middle window was bricked up during the Georgian period to avoid the window tax”.
The sampler arrived with an old photograph of Holly Cottage and a square of cardstock attached with wax seal to the reverse of the framed sampler. From the information recorded on the reverse, we learnt that Ann had died on October 27, 1823 aged 25 and that the sampler was framed on October 27, 1816 and was reframed on December 31, 1836 by John Castle in Oxford.
From this we can deduce that Ann was born in the year 1798, and we have traced an Ann, a daughter of George and Elizabeth Castle, born August 8, 1798 and baptised on August 31, 1798 at St Mary Magdalen in Oxford. We have also found in family history records her burial on November 2, 1823 at The Church of St Peter-le-Bailey on New Inn Hall Street in central Oxford.

Ann stitched three verses on her sampler.
Under the heading “On Youth” she chose “Jesus permit they sacred name to stand ….” This verse is believed to have been composed by the hymn writer John Newton (best known for “Amazing Grace”) for his niece, but it is possible that it was composed by Isaac Watts for his niece.
For “Hope” she chose “From the beginning may the almighty powers blessing bestow in never ceasing showers….” This is taken from A New Guide to the English Tongue: In Five Parts by Thomas Dilworth. The Reverend Mr Thomas Dilworth was an English cleric and author. A New Guide to the English Tongue was a widely used schoolbook, both in Great Britain and America.
“Be faithful unto Death and I will give thee a Crown of Life” is taken from Revelation 2:10. The Christians from the church in Smyrna had been under a great persecution. Jesus spoke these words to comfort them. He knew they would be severely tested and would experience difficult times in their lives.
Was Ann tested? We shall never know the trials she faced in her short life. Her sampler stitched over 200 years ago when she was just twelve years old is all that remains to mark her short life.
With our grateful thanks to Robert L. Harris Jr. who lovingly stitched the model of Ann’s sampler. At the very core of Hands Across the Sea Samplers there is a team of needleworkers who are passionate about antique samplers and being able to share those samplers with you.
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Thread Legend
Ann’s sampler has been stitched with a palette of twenty colours from Au Ver à Soie’s range of Soie d’Alger. We have provided conversions for Soie 100.3 and DMC. Estimated thread quantities for varying linen counts and the number of strands of thread used have been listed below.
1 strand of Soie 100.3 on 46ct ~ Colour Description 031 Old gold ~ medium
072 Grey green ~ medium
129 Mocha brown ~ dark
135 Terracotta ~ light
148 Yellow beige ~ medium
197 Brown grey ~ medium
211 Tan ~ ultra very light
217 Mahogany ~ ultra very light
378 Green grey ~ dark
492 Old gold ~ very dark
517 Hazelnut brown ~ dark
550 Blue green ~ dark
562 Yellow beige ~ light
603 Beige grey ~ dark
616 Golden olive ~ dark
621 Blue green ~ light
644 Salmon ~ very dark
712 Grey green ~ light
718 Green grey
756 Blue green ~ very dark
1 strand of Soie d’Alger on 46ct ~ Colour DescriptionF10 Tan ~ ultra very light
F22 x 2 Yellow beige ~ light
1814 Blue green ~ light
2242 x 2 Yellow beige ~ medium
2633 Terracotta ~ light
2644 x 2 Salmon ~ very dark
2756 Grey green ~ light
3424 Brown grey ~ medium
3425 Blue green ~ dark
3426 Blue green ~ very dark
3714 x 2 Green grey
3716 Green grey ~ dark
3745 Golden olive ~ dark
3746 Mocha brown ~ dark
3814 Old gold ~ medium
3834 Beige grey ~ dark
4245 Old gold ~ very dark
4525 Hazelnut brown ~ dark
4541 Mahogany ~ ultra very light
5384 Grey green ~ medium
1 strand of Soie a’Alger on 40ct ~ Colour DescriptionF10 Tan ~ ultra very light
F22 x 2 Yellow beige ~ light
1814 Blue green ~ light
2242 x 2 Yellow beige ~ medium
2633 Terracotta ~ light
2644 x 2 Salmon ~ very dark
2756 Grey green ~ light
3424 Brown grey ~ medium
3425 Blue green ~ dark
3426 Blue green ~ very dark
3714 x 2 Green grey
3716vGreen grey ~ dark
3745 Golden olive ~ dark
3746 Mocha brown ~ dark
3814 Old gold ~ medium
3834 Beige grey ~ dark
4245vOld gold ~ very dark
4525 x 2 Hazelnut brown ~ dark
4541 Mahogany ~ ultra very light
5384 Grey green ~ medium
1 strand of DMC on 40ct ~ Colour Description347 Salmon ~ very dark
420 Hazelnut brown ~ dark
500 Blue green ~ very dark
501 Blue green ~ dark
642 Beige grey ~ dark
729 Old gold ~ medium
739 Tan ~ ultra very light
830 Golden olive ~ dark
926 Grey green ~ medium
927 Grey green ~ light
3022 Brown grey ~ medium
3046 Yellow beige ~ medium
3047 Yellow beige ~ light
3051 Green grey ~ dark
3053 Green grey
3778 Terracotta ~ light
3781 Mocha brown ~ dark
3813 Blue green ~ light
3829 Old gold ~ very dark
3856 Mahogany ~ ultra very light
1 strand of Soie d’Alger on 36ct ~ Colour DescriptionF10 Tan ~ ultra very light
F22 x 2 Yellow beige ~ light
1814 Blue green ~ light
2242 x 2 Yellow beige ~ medium
2633vTerracotta ~ light
2644 x 2 Salmon ~ very dark
2765vGrey green ~ light
3424 Brown grey ~ medium
3425 Blue green ~ dark
3426 Blue green ~ very dark
3714 x 2 Green grey
3716 Green grey ~ dark
3745 Golden olive ~ dark
3746 Mocha brown ~ dark
3814 Old gold ~ medium
3834 Beige grey ~ dark
4245 Old gold ~ very dark
4525 x 2 Hazelnut brown ~ dark
4541 Mahogany ~ ultra very light
5384 Grey green ~ medium
2 strands of DMC on 36ct ~ Colour Description347 x 3 Salmon ~ very dark
420 x 2 Hazelnut brown ~ dark
500 Blue green ~ very dark
501 Blue green ~ dark
642 Beige grey ~ dark
729 Old gold ~ medium
739 Tan ~ ultra very light
830 Golden olive ~ dark
926 Grey green ~ medium
927 Grey green ~ light
3022 x 2 Brown grey ~ medium
3046 x 2 Yellow beige ~ medium
3047 x 2 Yellow beige ~ light
3051 Green grey ~ dark
3053 x 2 Green grey
3778 Terracotta ~ light
3781vMocha brown ~ dark
3813 Blue green ~ light
3829 Old gold ~ very dark
3856 Mahogany ~ ultra very light
2 strands of Soie d’Alger on 28ct ~ Colour DescriptionF10 x 2 Tan ~ ultra very light
F22 x 3 Yellow beige ~ light
1814 Blue green ~ light
2242 x 3 Yellow beige ~ medium
2633 Terracotta ~ light
2644 x 4 Salmon ~ very dark
2765 Grey green ~ light
3424 x 2 Brown grey ~ medium
3425 Blue green ~ dark
3426 Blue green ~ very dark
3714 x 4 Green grey
3716 x 2 Green grey ~ dark
3745vGolden olive ~ dark
3746 Mocha brown ~ dark
3814 x 2 Old gold ~ medium
3834vBeige grey ~ dark
4245 Old gold ~ very dark
4525 x 3 Hazelnut brown ~ dark
4541 Mahogany ~ ultra very light
5384 Grey green ~ medium
2 strands of DMC on 28ct ~ Colour Description347 x 3 Salmon ~ very dark
420 x 2 Hazelnut brown ~ dark
500 Blue green ~ very dark
501 Blue green ~ dark
642 Beige grey ~ dark
729 Old gold ~ medium
739 x 2 Tan ~ ultra very light
830 Golden olive ~ dark
926 Grey green ~ medium
927 Grey green ~ light
3022 x 2vBrown grey ~ medium
3046 x 2 Yellow beige ~ medium
3047 x 2 Yellow beige ~ light
3051 x 2 Green grey ~ dark
3053 x 3 Green grey
3778 Terracotta ~ light
3781 Mocha brown ~ dark
3813 Blue green ~ light
3829 Old gold ~ very dark
3856 Mahogany ~ ultra very light
Linen Sizes
The design area is 327 stitches (w) x 395 stitches (h). Our calculations have included a 3" margin for finishing and framing.
The model was stitched on Weeks Dyeworks 46ct Zweigart-based linen in Parchment. This colour is available in various counts. You should use a count of linen that you will enjoy working on.
28ct: Design: 23.36" x 28.21" Fabric: 29.36" x 34.21"
30ct: Design: 21.8" x 26.33" Fabric: 27.8" x 32.33"
32ct: Design: 20.44" x 24.69" Fabric: 26.44" x 30.69"
36ct: Design: 18.17" x 21.94" Fabric: 24.17" x 27.94"
40ct: Design: 16.35" x 19.75" Fabric: 22.35" x 25.75"
46ct: Design: 14.22" x 17.17" Fabric: 20.22" x 23.17"
56ct: Design: 11.68" x 14.11" Fabric: 17.68" x 20.11"
52/62ct: Design: 12.58" x 13.17" Fabric: 18.58" x 19.17"
62/52ct: Design: 10.55" x 15.19" Fabric: 16.55" x 21.19"
Stitch Guide
The design is suitable for intermediate and advanced needleworkers but is not beyond a determined beginner. The stitches used are cross stitch over 1 and 2 threads, satin stitch, stem stitch, a few Algerian eyelets and long-arm cross stitch.

Cross stitch ~ Is made up of two stitches worked over one or two threads. You should make all your stitches cross in the same direction for a neat and uniform finish.
You have to be careful not to pull the thread through the intersection of the woven linen threads. The warp and weft fibres are not “interlocked” at intersections; they simply pass over and under one another.
As a result, when stitching over one thread, some stitches can slip and disappear. Lay your stitches away from the direction you are working. This prevents the thread from slipping through the intersections.
Satin stitch ~ Run a straight stitch between each thread of fabric in the direction shown on the chart. Use one thread making repeated passes until the desired coverage is achieved.

Stem stitch ~ When working from left to right with an “S” twist thread bring your needle up at 1 and down at 2. Bring your needle back up halfway between 1 and 2 at 3. Be sure to keep the thread below the needle. When working from right to left keep the thread above the needle.
Algerian eyelets ~ When worked over four threads of linen 8 stitches are laid to create an eyelet. Do not tug on the thread using your needle as your thread will soon break. Instead, apply pressure by pulling on the thread close to the stitch. Even tension should be applied so each individual stitch sits well within the eyelet.
Long-arm cross stitch ~ Ann worked this stitch two stitches wide and three stitches high. Follow the stitch path to create raised plaited rows on the front and vertical stitches on the reverse.
Hands Across the Sea Samplers are on hand to help those stitching our charts. If you need assistance or have any questions we can be reached via email, address shown below, or the contact page on our website. Our website has stitching tutorials which can be found in the “sewing basket/tools” section.