Ann’s delightful sampler is available as an instant pdf download.

There are 4 versions of the pdf. You will be able to download any or all of the following pdf and graph versions:
Version 1 ~ A four-page colour chart.
Version 2 ~ A one-page colour chart (intended to be viewed/used on your tablet, phone, laptop, or computer).
Version 3 ~ A four-page black and white symbol chart.
Version 4 ~ A one-page black and white symbol chart (intended to be viewed/used on your tablet, phone, laptop, or computer).

The design is suitable for needleworkers of all abilities. The stitches used are cross stitch over 1 and 2 threads.

Ann worked her delightful sampler when she was just 8 years old. We suspect that Ann’s parents were not affluent, as her sampler was worked on a stiff, coarse linen. It is possible that Ann’s mother wove the linen using a handloom. Ann stitched her sampler with wool using a bright array of colours. She chose a distinctive palette which adds to the overall charm of her sampler.

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Thread Legend
Ann’s sampler has been stitched with a palette of eighteen colours from Au Ver à Soie’s range of Soie 100.3. We have provided conversions for Soie d’Alger and DMC. Whether you are stitching on 28ct or 56ct linen, you will only require one spool or skein of each colour, with one exception: when working on a linen count below 36ct, you will require two skeins of Soie d’Alger 5024 or DMC 501.
Soie 100.3 / Soie d’Alger / DMC ~ Colour Description025
/ 5023
/ 502
~ Blue green
/ 5384
/ 926
~ Grey green
/ 643
/ 3771
~ Terracotta ~ ultra very light
/ 4512
/ 437
~ Tan ~ light
/ 4643
/ 778
~ Antique mauve ~ very light
/ 2636
/ 919
~ Red copper
/ 1046
/ 3834
~ Grape ~ dark
/ 4622
/ 3712
~ Salmon ~ medium
/ 4623
/ 347
~ Salmon ~ very dark
/ 3026
/ 814
~ Garnet ~ dark
/ 4516
/ 435
~ Brown ~ vert light
/ 1824
/ 562
~ Jade ~ medium
/ 5114
/ 3041
~ Antique violet ~ medium
/ 5025
/ 500
~ Blue green ~ very dark
/ 3446
/ 3799
~ Pewter grey ~ very dark
/ 5111
/ 452
~ Shell grey ~ medium
/ 945
/ 321
~ Christmas red
/ 5024 **
/ 501 **
~ Blue green ~ dark
Linen Sizes
The design area is 131 stitches (w) x 147 stitches (h). Our calculations have included a 3" margin for finishing and framing.
The model was stitched using 56ct Zweigart-based linen that was overdyed to the a lighter shade of Marbled Pointer from xJuDesigns. We would also recommend using Legacy Linen’s Victoria Sponge Cake in 30ct, Corn Tassel in 37ct, Foxtail Millett in 45ct, or Sycamore Seedpod in 53/63ct. You should use a count and fabric that you enjoy working with.
28ct: Design: 9.36" x 10.50" Fabric: 15.36" x 16.50"
30ct: Design: 8.73" x 9.80" Fabric: 14.73" x 15.80"
32ct: Design: 8.19" x 9.19" Fabric: 14.19" x 15.19"
36ct: Design: 7.28" x 8.17" Fabric: 13.28" x 14.17"
40ct: Design: 6.55" x 7.35" Fabric: 12.55" x 13.35"
46ct: Design: 5.70" x 6.39" Fabric: 11.70" x 12.39"
56ct: Design: 4.68" x 5.25" Fabric: 10.68" x 11.25"
62/52ct: Design: 4.23" x 5.65" Fabric: 10.23" x 11.65"
Stitch Guide
The design is suitable for needleworkers of all abilities. The stitches used are cross stitch over two threads, double running stitch and Algerian eyelet.

Cross stitch ~ is made up of two stitches normally worked over one or two threads. You should make all your stitches cross in the same direction for a neat and uniform finish.
Hands Across the Sea Samplers are on hand to help those stitching our charts. If you need assistance or have any questions we can be reached via email, address shown below, or the contact page on our website. Our website has stitching tutorials which can be found in the “sewing basket/tools” section.