This sampler is brought to you as an instant pdf download and as a printed booklet. Details of the printed booklet can be found HERE.

The project has been stitched using cross stitch over two threads with the exception of the verse which has been worked in cross stitched over one thread.

The sampler is rated as suitable for needleworkers of all levels of ability.

There are 4 versions of the pdf. You will be able to download any or all of the following pdf and graph versions:
Version 1 ~ A six-page colour chart.
Version 2 ~ A one-page colour chart (intended to be viewed/used on your tablet, phone, laptop, or computer).
Version 3 ~ A six-page black and white symbol chart.
Version 4 ~ A one-page black and white chart (intended to be viewed/used on your tablet, phone, laptop, or computer).

In the eleventh year of her age, Ann Oliver finished her captivating sampler. The more you look at her needlework, the more there is to enchant. The young schoolgirl had a good eye for colour and design.
It is with regret that we were unable to discover some background information about the sampler and its maker. There are many Ann Olivers to be found in family history records, and we were unable to pinpoint our Ann.

Ann included the verse “Jesus permit thy gracious name to stand …” It is one of the most popular verses found on schoolgirl samplers in the 1800s. It is attributed by some to John Newton (best known for the hymn Amazing Grace), and it is said that he wrote it for the sampler of his niece. It has also been suggested that it was composed by Isaac Watts also for his niece.

We are very thankful that Ann’s sampler, “the first efforts of her infant hand”, has been cherished by her descendants. Their care has ensured that in the 21st century needleworkers around the world are able to remember Ann and enjoy her work.

Our grateful thanks go to The Contented Stitcher for exquisitely stitching the model of Ann Oliver. At the very core of Hands Across the Sea Samplers there is a team of needleworkers who are passionate about antique samplers and being able to share those samplers with you.
If you need assistance or have any questions, we can be reached via email, address shown below, or the contact page on our website. Our website has stitching tutorials which can be found in the “Sewing Basket and Tools” section.
Thread Legend
Ann’s sampler has been stitched with a palette of 15 colours from Au Ver à Soie’s range of Soie 100.3. Below we have provided conversions for Soie d’Alger and DMC. Only 1 spool or skein of thread is required, whether you are stitching on 14ct Aida/28ct linen or 56ct linen.
Soie 100.3 ~ Colour Description
022 Golden olive ~ light
060 Shell pink ~ medium light
099 Brown grey ~ very dark
137 Terracotta ~ very dark
152 Moss green ~ dark
205 Coffee brown ~ very dark
241 Straw ~ dark
274 Avocado green ~ very dark
313 Wedgewood ~ very dark
425 Hazelnut brown ~ light
621 Grey green ~ light
666 Shell grey ~ medium
681 Christmas red
705 Avocado green ~ dark
707 Green grey ~ medium
Soie d 'Alger ~ Colour Description524 Golden olive ~ light
1446 Wedgewood ~ very dark
1814 Grey green ~ light
2144 Moss green ~ dark
2515 Straw ~ dark ** this colour is currently is short supply and being re-dyed, our recommended substitution is #2535
2646 Terracotta ~ very dark
2925 Christmas red
3413 Shell grey ~ medium
3724 Green grey ~ medium
3725 Avocado green ~ dark
3734 Avocado green ~ very dark
3846 Brown grey ~ very dark
4126 Coffee brown ~ very dark
4622 Shell pink ~ medium light
F09 Hazelnut brown ~ light
DMC ~ Colour Description152 Shell pink ~ medium light
321 Christmas red
422 Hazelnut brown ~ light
452 Shell grey ~ medium
580 Moss green ~ dark
833 Golden olive ~ light
898 Coffee brown ~ very dark
927 Grey green ~ light
935 Avocado green ~ dark
936 Avocado green ~ very dark
3021 Brown grey ~ very dark
3052 Green grey ~ medium
3777 Terracotta ~ very dark
3820 Straw ~ dark
3842 Wedgewood ~ very dark
Linen Sizes
The design area is 177 stitches (w) x 186 stitches (h). Our calculations have included a 3" margin for finishing and framing.
The model was stitched using 56ct Zweigart-based linen that was overdyed to the shade “Marbled Pointer” by xJuDesign. We recommend that you use a count and fabric that you enjoy working with.
28ct linen: Design: 12.64" x 13.29" Fabric: 18.64" x 19.29”
30ct linen: Design: 11.80" x 12.40" Fabric: 17.80" x 18.40"
32ct linen: Design: 11.06" x 11.63" Fabric: 17.06" x 17.63"
36ct linen: Design: 9.83" x 10.33" Fabric: 15.83" x 16.33"
40ct linen: Design: 8.85" x 9.30" Fabric: 14.85" x 15.30"
46ct linen: Design: 7.70" x 8.09" Fabric: 13.70" x 14.09"
56ct linen: Design: 6.32" x 6.64" Fabric: 12.32" x 12.64"
62/52ct linen: Design: 5.71" x 7.15" Fabric: 11.71" x 13.15"
Stitch Guide
The design is suitable for needleworkers of all abilities. The stitches used are cross stitch two threads of linen with the verse being executed in cross stitch over one thread of linen
Cross stitch ~ Is made up of two stitches worked over one or two threads. You should make all your stitches cross in the same direction for a neat and uniform finish.
You have to be careful not to pull the thread through the intersection of the woven linen threads. The warp and weft fibres are not “interlocked” at intersections; they simply pass over and under one another. As a result, when stitching over one thread, some stitches can slip and disappear. Lay your stitches away from the direction you are working. This prevents the thread from slipping through the intersections.