Jessie Watson c.1816 a pdf download


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Jessie Watson is available as an instant pdf download.

There are 4 versions of the pdf. You will be able to download any or all of the following versions of the pdf and the graph:

Version 1 ~ A pdf with a twenty-five-page colour chart.

Version 2 ~ A pdf with a one-page colour chart (intended to be viewed/used on your tablet, phone, laptop, or computer).

Version 3 ~ A pdf with a twenty- five-page black and white symbol chart.

Version 4 ~ A pdf with a one-page black and white symbol chart (intended to be viewed/used on your tablet, phone, laptop, or computer).

The story behind the reproduction of Jessie Watson is not one about the little girl who stitched the original sampler. Instead, it is one about a special friendship and an extraordinary needleworker who, with a little help from her friend and her own great determination, overcame huge hurdles to stitch again.

The followers of HATS will recognise the names Isabella Uffindell and Eliza Bell Cox. Both models were stitched by J Lee Halpin. J Lee has always been an important member of our team. Not only a superb stitcher, J Lee has an amazing eye for colour and a deep font of stitching knowledge. A long-time sampler lover J Lee was a member of the Loudoun Sampler Guild and the Mid-Hudson chapter of the EGA.

In August 2018 J Lee suffered a major stroke. Her dear friend Lisa sensed something was wrong when J Lee failed to make direct contact or interact in the needlework groups on social media. Through Lisa’s concern for her friend the alarm was raised, and J Lee was found.

The road has been a long and arduous one but with the support and encouragement of her friends J Lee is here with us today.

J Lee no longer has use of her dominant hand so has had to re-learn to stitch one handed. Lisa has been there supporting her friend every step of the way. Together they have found solutions to problems, such as how do you thread a needle one handed.

Jessie Watson is J Lee’s first completed sampler since her stroke. A truly staggering achievement. We are so very proud and honoured to present this perfectly stitched sampler to you. It represents so much from which we can all learn and take heart.

J Lee has also completed a further model, which will release later this year, and is currently stitching a third. There is no stopping her now!

Always remember that no hurdle is insurmountable; with courage and determination, a person can overcome anything.

“Many of you know me as Kirby Bentley, some as Jessie James but my real name is Janie Lee Halpin, J Lee for short.  Two years ago, I had a stroke, leaving me paralyzed on my right side and unable to speak.  All my PT sessions are doing good and I love all my therapists.  I was happy yet something was missing, a void.

Then one of my friends set me up with a K’s frame, a needle and thread.   Like magic!  I was whole again.  A calmness I’d not felt since August of 2018.  I WAS STITCHING AGAIN!

Stitching is my life but my friends, both near and far, saved me.  They cradled me with their love!  Never underestimate the power of love.  There’s nothing like it!” ~ J Lee Halpin, January 2021

Jessie’s sampler is suitable for needleworkers of all abilities. The stitches used are cross stitch over two threads, eyelet stitch and three satin stitches.

This delightful sampler stitched on 24ct linen with wool by Jessie Watson charmed us from the first glance. Unfortunately, Jessie did not include a date or a location on her sampler, so we have not been able to identify her in family history records. However, we do know of another sampler that has an almost identical house and heart that was stitched in 1816.

Sometimes when researching a sampler, we have to look to the motifs for clues as to the identity of its young maker. We believe Jessie’s sampler to be Scottish.

With our grateful thanks to J Lee Halpin who lovingly and painstakingly stitched the model of Jessie’s sampler. Our gratitude also goes to Lisa Brown for all her background support. At the very core of Hands Across the Sea Samplers there is a team of needleworkers who are passionate about antique samplers and being able to share those samplers with you.

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Thread Legend

Jessie’s sampler has been stitched with a palette of eleven colours from Au Ver à Soie’s range of Soie 100.3. We have provided conversions for Soie d’Alger, Fine D’Aubusson wool and DMC. Estimated thread quantities for varying linen counts and the number of strands of thread used have been listed below.

100.3 1 strand on 46ct ~ Colour Description
002 ~ Grey green ~ lt.
022 ~ Golden olive
031 ~ Hazelnut brown ~ lt.
072 ~ Grey green ~ med.
278 ~ Shell pink ~ lt.
378 ~ Avocado green ~ vy dk.
425 ~ Hazelnut brown
499 ~ Christmas red ~ dk.
523 ~ Shell pink ~ dk.
584 ~ Beige brown ~ dk.
773 ~ Pewter grey ~ vy dk.
SDA 1 strand on 46/40 & 36ct ~ Colour Description
5382 ~ Grey green ~ lt.
525 ~ Golden olive
4242 ~ Hazelnut brown ~ lt.
5384 ~ Grey green ~ med.
4622 ~ Shell pink ~ lt.
3735 ~ Avocado green ~ vy dk.
F09 ~ Hazelnut brown
2925 ~ Christmas red ~ dk.
4623 ~ Shell pink ~ dk.
3195 ~ Beige brown ~ dk.
3446 ~ Pewter grey ~ vy dk.
SDA 2 strands on 28ct ~ Colour Description
 5382 ~ Grey green ~ lt.
525 ~ Golden olive
4242 ~ Hazelnut brown ~ lt.
5384 ~ Grey green ~ med.
4622 ~ Shell pink ~ lt.
3735 x 3 ~ Avocado green ~ vy dk.
F09 ~ Hazelnut brown
2925 x 2 ~ Christmas red ~ dk.
4623 ~ Shell pink ~ dk.
3195 ~ Beige brown ~ dk.
3446 ~ Pewter grey ~ vy dk.
Fine D’Aubusson Wool 1 strand on 28ct, 30ct and 32ct linen
5382  ~ Grey green ~ lt.
2770 ~ Golden olive
2542 ~ Hazelnut brown ~ lt.
0124  ~ Grey green ~ med.
4002 ~ Shell pink ~ lt.
3724 x 2 ~ Avocado green ~ vy dk.
3742 ~ Hazelnut brown
0946 ~ Christmas red ~ dk.
2635 ~ Shell pink ~ dk.
2808 ~ Beige brown ~ dk.
3226 ~ Pewter grey ~ vy dk.
DMC 2 strands on 36ct ~Colour Description
 927 ~ Grey green ~ lt.
832 ~ Golden olive
422 ~ Hazelnut brown ~ lt.
926 ~ Grey green ~ med.
223 ~ Shell pink ~ lt.
936  x 2 ~ Avocado green ~ vy dk.
3828 ~ Hazelnut brown
498 ~ Christmas red ~ dk.
3721 ~ Shell pink ~ dk.
839 ~ Beige brown ~ dk.
3799 ~ Pewter grey ~ vy dk.
DMC 2 strands on 28ct ~ Colour Description
 927 ~ Grey green ~ lt.
832 ~ Golden olive
422 ~ Hazelnut brown ~ lt.
926 ~ Grey green ~ med.
223 ~ Shell pink ~ lt.
936 X 2 ~ Avocado green ~ vy dk.
3828 ~ Hazelnut brown
498 ~ Christmas red ~ dk.
3721 ~ Shell pink ~ dk.
839 ~ Beige brown ~ dk.
3799 ~ Pewter grey ~ vy dk.

Linen Sizes

The design area is 133 stitches (w) x 199 stitches (h). Our calculations have included a 3" margin for finishing and framing.

The model was stitched on Legacy Linen’s Foxtail Millett, a 45ct linen. The corresponding colours in Legacy Linen’s range would be Sycamore Seedpod in 53/63ct, Corn Tassel in 37ct and Victoria Sponge Cake in 30ct.

You should stitch Jessie on your preferred colour and count of linen.

14ct Aida / 28ct: Design: 9.50" x 14.21" Fabric: 15.50" x 20.21"
30ct: Design: 8.87" x 13.27" Fabric: 14.87" x 19.27"
16ct Aida / 32ct: Design: 8.31" x 12.44" Fabric: 14.31" x 18.44"
18ct Aida / 36ct: Design: 7.39" x 11.06" Fabric: 13.39" x 17.06"
20ct Aida / 40ct: Design: 6.65" x 9.95" Fabric: 12.65" x 15.95"
46ct: Design: 5.78" x 8.65" Fabric: 11.78" x 14.65"
56ct: Design: 4.75" x 7.11" Fabric: 10.75" x 13.11
52/62ct: Design: 5.12" x 6.42" Fabric: 11.12" x 12.42"
62/52ct: Design: 4.29" x 7.65" Fabric: 10.29" x 13.65"

Stitch Guide

The design is suitable for needleworkers of all abilities. The stitches used are cross stitch over two threads, eyelet stitch and three satin stitches.

Cross stitch ~ is made up of two stitches normally worked over one or two threads. You should make all your stitches cross in the same direction for a neat and uniform finish.

Eyelet stitch ~ When worked over four threads of linen there are 16 stitches laid to create an eyelet.   Do not tug on the thread using your needle as your thread will soon break. Instead apply pressure by pulling on the thread close to the stitch.

Even tension should be applied so each individual stitch sits well within the eyelet. Jessie applied tension to open the central hole.

Satin stitch ~ Run a straight stitch between each thread of fabric in the direction shown on the chart. Use one thread making repeated passes until the desired coverage is achieved.

Hands Across the Sea Samplers are on hand to help those stitching our charts. If you need assistance or have any questions we can be reached via email, address shown below, or the contact page on our website. Our website has stitching tutorials which can be found in the “sewing basket/tools” section.


Chart Correction

Please note that the stitch highlighted below should not be stitched.