Margaret’s sampler is offered to you in two different formats ~ as a printed booklet and as an instant PDF download. Details of the PDF download can be found HERE.

What a pretty sampler the nine-year-old Margaret Ferguson stitched. Using wool and a slightly uneven linen of approximately 31/33 count, the young girl worked a stunning floral border with a profusion of Scotch roses. A wonderful achievement for such a young child!

When studying Margaret’s sampler, the eye is drawn to the house with a blue slate roof that is flanked by trees that are heavily laden with pink blooms. Margaret tells us that the house is the Manse of Harlaw. The house that she stitched is very true to the actual building. Old photos of the Manse can be found on the website
Known today as Harlaw House, this grand Victorian home is set in three acres of grounds and can be found near Inverurie in Aberdeenshire, in the North East of Scotland. Today, Inverurie is a prosperous town whose history stretches back well over a thousand years. It lies in a strategically important location on the north bank of the River Don, opposite Port Elphinstone, and on the west bank of the River Urie. As a result of its location it has seen conflict more than once in its history.
The house stands in an elevated position with spectacular views over the surrounding Aberdeenshire countryside. It has two stories, 3 windows harled with margins, and 3 gablets over the first-floor windows. It was designed by the architect William Henderson as a manse for the Free Kirk and was completed circa 1843. The church has long since disappeared.

Without more information, we are unable to say with any certainty which of the several Margaret Fergusons that can be found in census returns for the late 1800s stitched this stunning sampler. It is such a shame that we are unable to tell this gifted needleworker’s story. A lesson to us all about recording our information on our work in the hope that our stitching will enchant needleworkers in the 22nd century and beyond in the same way that we are today by the needlework of yesteryear!
The sampler is predominantly worked with cross stitch laid over two threads of linen. The window panes in the house are worked in satin stitches. The sampler is suitable for confident beginners through to advanced needleworkers.

The reproduction of Margaret’s sampler has been a team effort. Her sampler has been painstakingly charted by Sandra Moffitt, her booklet produced by Nicola Parkman, and the model lovingly stitched by Leona Sweeney. At the very core of Hands Across the Sea Samplers there is a team of needleworkers who are passionate about antique samplers and being able to share those samplers with you.
Thread Legend
Margaret’s beautiful sampler has been reproduced using a palette of twenty-one colours. The model was stitched using Soie 100.3 from Au Ver à Soie. We have included below conversions for Soie d’Alger and DMC. Unless specified below only one spool or skein will be required.
1 strand of Soie 100.3 on 46 to 56ct linen 022 Golden olive ~ light
134 Apricot ~ light
152 Moss green ~ dark
199 Olive green ~ medium
240 Yellow ~ medium
247 Mustard ~ light
284 Terracotta ~ light
303 Golden olive
328 Khaki green ~ light ** this colour is in short supply, the recommended substitute is #658
329 Olive green ~ light
425 Tan ~ light ** this colour is in short supply, the recommended substitute is #634
494 Salmon ~ medium
616 Golden olive ~ very dark
644 Coral ~ dark
652 Navy blue
654 Fern green ~ dark
655 Coral
673 Beige grey ~ ultra dark
685 Turquoise
755 Grey green ~ very dark
Noir Black
1 strand of Soie d'Alger on 36 to 46ct linen124 Turquoise
523 Golden olive ~ light
524 Golden olive
526 Golden olive ~ very dark
622 Yellow ~ medium
1414 Navy blue
1746 Grey green ~ very dark
1844 Fern green ~ dark
2144 Moss green ~ dark
2212 Olive green ~ light
2223 Olive green ~ medium
2633 Terracotta ~ light
2642 Apricot ~ light
2643 Coral
2645 Coral ~ dark
2932 Salmon ~ medium
3344 Beige grey ~ ultra dark
3713 Khaki green ~ light
3832 Mustard ~ light
4522 Tan ~ light
Noir Black
2 strands of Soie d'Alger on 28 to 32ct linen124 Turquoise
523 Golden olive ~ light
524 Golden olive
526 Golden olive ~ very dark
622 x 2 Yellow ~ medium
1414 x 2 Navy blue
1746 Grey green ~ very dark
1844 Fern green ~ dark
2144 x 2 Moss green ~ dark
2212 Olive green ~ light
2223 x 2 Olive green ~ medium
2633 Terracotta ~ light
2642 Apricot ~ light
2643 Coral
2645 x 2 Coral ~ dark
2932 Salmon ~ medium
3344 Beige grey ~ ultra dark
3713 x 2 Khaki green ~ light
3832 x 2 Mustard ~ light
4522 Tan ~ light
Noir Black
1 Strand on DMC 40 to 46ct linen310 Black
336 Navy blue
349 Coral ~ dark
351 Coral
372 Mustard ~ light
437 Tan ~ light
520 Fern green ~ dark
580 Moss green ~ dark
597 Turquoise
733 Olive green ~ medium
734 Olive green ~ light
743 Yellow ~ medium
829 Golden olive ~ very dark
832 Golden olive
833 Golden olive ~ light
924 Grey green ~ very dark
3013 Khaki green ~ light
3712 Salmon ~ medium
3778 Terracotta ~ light
3790 Beige grey ~ ultra dark
3824 Apricot ~ light
2 Strands on DMC 36ct linen310 Black
336 Navy blue
349 Coral ~ dark
351 Coral
372 x 2 Mustard ~ light
437 Tan ~ light
520 Fern green ~ dark
580 Moss green ~ dark
597 Turquoise
733 Olive green ~ medium
734 Olive green ~ light
743 Yellow ~ medium
829 Golden olive ~ very dark
832 Golden olive
833 Golden olive ~ light
924 Grey green ~ very dark
3013 Khaki green ~ light
3712 Salmon ~ medium
3778 Terracotta ~ light
3790 Beige grey ~ ultra dark
3824 Apricot ~ light
2 Strand on DMC 36ct linen310 Black
336 Navy blue
349 Coral ~ dark
351 Coral
372 x 2 Mustard ~ light
437 Tan ~ light
520 Fern green ~ dark
580 x 2 Moss green ~ dark
597 Turquoise
733 x 2 Olive green ~ medium
734 Olive green ~ light
743 Yellow ~ medium
829 Golden olive ~ very dark
832 Golden olive
833 Golden olive ~ light
924 Grey green ~ very dark
3013 Khaki green ~ light
3712 Salmon ~ medium
3778 Terracotta ~ light
3790 Beige grey ~ ultra dark
3824 Apricot ~ light
Linen Sizes
The design area is 271 stitches (w) x 260 stitches (h). Our calculations have included a 3" margin for finishing and framing. The model was stitched using a Zweigart-based linen overdyed to the shade Eureka by Fox and Rabbit.
28ct linen: Design: 19.36" x 18.57" Fabric: 25.36" x 24.57"
32ct linen: Design: 16.94" x 16.25" Fabric: 22.94" x 22.25"
36ct linen: Design: 15.06" x 14.44" Fabric: 21.06" x 20.44"
40ct linen: Design: 13.55" x 13.00" Fabric: 19.55" x 19.00"
46ct linen: Design: 11.78" x 11.30" Fabric: 17.78" x 17.30"
56ct linen: Design: 9.68" x 9.29" Fabric: 15.68" x 15.29"
Stitch Guide
The sampler is predominantly worked with cross stitch laid over two threads of linen. The window panes in the house are worked in satin stitches. The sampler is suitable for confident beginners through to advanced needleworkers.
Cross stitch ~ When working cross stitch, the top stitch should always lie in the same direction for a neat and uniform finish.
Satin stitch ~ Run a straight stitch between each thread of fabric in the direction shown on the chart. Use one thread making repeated passes until the desired coverage is achieved.