Mary’s sampler is offered to you in two different formats ~ as a printed booklet and as an instant PDF download. Details of the PDF download can be found HERE.

Mary sweet sampler is a delightful example of a young child’s artwork. Mary tells us that she was aged 9 years when she stitched her sampler. She has given no year or location, however, we believe that the sampler is English and was stitched in the mid 1800’s.

An imposing building first catches the eye. Maybe this was a church run school or orphanage as the roof is topped by a cross. Above hovers two trumpeting angels signifying the word of God and reinforcing our first thought that the building is connected in some way to a church institution. The bottom section of the sampler is full of out of proportion trees, potted roses and a basket of fruit.
The sampler is stitched in cross stitch over two threads. There are a handful of cross stitches that Mary “squeezed” into her sampler that sit one thread wide and two threads high. The sampler is suitable for beginners through to advanced needleworkers. The design area is 201 stitches (w) x 183 stitches (h).
The sampler has been reproduced using the mellowed colours found on the front of the sampler today.
Thread Legend
Mary’s sampler has been reproduced with Au Ver à Soie d’Alger silks and the skein quantities calculated based on 1 strand on 36ct fabric. We have provided conversions for DMC based on 2 strands and Needlepoint Inc. based on 1 strand. The original sampler was stitched on uneven weave measuring approximately 15 x 14 inches. It was very hard to match the linen to a DMC shade number, and although not exact the closest DMC shades were 612/613 .
The sampler has been reproduced using the mellowed colours found on the front of the sampler today.
Soie d’Alger / DMC / NPI4644 x 1 / 3861 x 1 / 711A x 1 ~ Cocoa ~ light
F09 x 1 / 422 x 1 / 901 x 1 ~ Hazel nut brown - light
3344 x 1 / 3790 x 1 / 184A x 1 ~ Beige grey ~ ultra dark
4535 x 1 / 611 x 1 / 952 x 1 ~ Drab brown ~ dark
F022 x 1 / 613 x 1 / 692 x 1 ~ Drab brown ~ very light
3835 x 1 / 640 x 1 / 335 x 1 ~ Beige grey ~ very dark
3342 x 1 / 648 x 1 / 962 x 1 ~ Beaver grey ~ light
4244 x 1 / 680 x 1 / 694 x 1 ~ Old gold ~ dark
2926 x 1 / 814 x 1 / 226 x 1 ~ Garnet ~ dark
4624 x 1 / 816 x 1 / 636 x 1 ~ Garnet
3745 x 1 / 869 x 1 / 913 x 1 ~ Hazel nut brown ~ very dark
2636 x 1 / 919 x 1 / 865 x 1 ~ Red copper
2216 x 1 / 935 x 1 / 348 x 1 ~ Avocado green ~ dark
2578 x 1 / 950 x 1 / 203 x 1 ~ Desert sand ~ light
4536 x 1 / 3031 x 1 / 957 x 1 ~ Mocha brown ~ very dark
3834 x 1 / 3032 x 1 / 982 x 1 ~ Mocha brown ~ medium
3416 x 1 / 3371 x 1 / 584 x 1 ~ Black brown
1736 x 1 / 3750 x 1 / 325 x 1 ~ Antique blue ~ very dark
4611 x 1 / 3778 x 1 / 854 x 1 ~ Terra cotta ~ light
1814 x 1 / 3813 x 1 / 522 x 1 ~ Blue green ~ light
The design area is 201 stitches (w) x 183 stitches (h). Our calculations have included a 3” margin for finishing and framing.
28ct ~ Design: 14.36" x 13.07" Fabric: 20.36" x 19.07"
30ct ~ Design: Design: 13.40" x 12.20" Fabric: 19.40" x 18.02"
32ct ~ Design: 12.56" x 11.44" Fabric: 18.56" x 17.44"
36ct ~ Design: 11.17" x 10.17" Fabric: 17.17" x 16.17"
40ct ~ Design: 10.05" x 9.15" Fabric: 16.05" x 15.15"
46ct ~ Design: 8.74" x 7.96" Fabric: 14.74" x 13.96"
Stitch Guide
Cross Stitch is made up of 2 stitches worked over 2 threads. Make all your stitches cross in the same direction for a neat and uniform finish.

Hands Across the Sea Samplers are on hand to help those stitching our charts. If you need assistance or have any questions we can be reached via the CONTACT page on our website.
Chart Correction
We apologise but there was a stitch missed on the graph. Please see the circled stitch in the photo below.