Mary Goodwin 1798 ~a printed booklet


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This charming sampler is brought to you as a printed booklet and as an instant pdf download. Details of the instant pdf download can be found HERE.

We wonder who it was that planted the old, gnarled tree that inspired Mary to include a mulberry tree in the sampler. You plant a flower for yourself, but you plant a tree for your grandchildren: so the saying goes.

Mary was only 8 years of age when she finished her sampler on Friday, December 21, 1798. A wonderful achievement for such a young child. Her sampler certainly demonstrated her aptitude for needlework. How proud her parents must have been!

The verse Mary chose for her sampler was most probably a childhood prayer.

“In youth and age protect me Lord

And grant I may observe your word

Give me a thankful heart I pray

To serve my God while here I stay

And when this mortal life shall end

I may to happiness ascend.”

The fabric Mary used was approximately 48/46 count, and the fine silks were expertly dyed as they have retained their vibrancy through the centuries.

The sampler has been rated as suitable for needleworkers of all abilities. The stitches used are cross stitch over two threads of linen with the verse and part of the date being worked in cross stitch over one thread of linen.

Mary’s sampler has been patiently charted and exquisitely stitched by Lisa Brown and is her debut sampler for Hands Across the Sea Samplers.

“This has been an immensely rewarding process, and I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity.  I am happy to say this has never felt like work and has only deepened my appreciation and love of samplers.  I have poured my heart into making Mary a true and faithful reproduction.  I hope you love her as I do and spend many pleasurable hours with your needle recreating her beautiful sampler.” ~ Lisa

At the very core of Hands Across the Sea Samplers there is a team of needleworkers who are passionate about antique samplers and being able to share those samplers with you. Hands Across the Sea Samplers are on hand to help those stitching our charts. If you need assistance or have any questions, we can be reached via email, address shown below, or the contact page on our website.

Thread Legend

Mary’s sampler has been stitched with a palette of twenty colours from Au Ver à Soie’s range of Soie d’Alger. We have provided conversions for Soie 100.3 and DMC. Estimated thread quantities for varying linen counts and the number of strands of thread used have been listed below.

1 strand of Soie d'Alger  on 36 to 46ct linen
1814 ~ Fern green ~ light
2226 ~ Olive green ~ very dark
2242 ~ Golden olive ~ very light
2757 ~ Grey green ~ medium
2915 ~ Salmon ~ dark
3026 ~ Mauve ~ dark
3426 ~ Pewter grey ~ very dark
3715 ~ Khaki green ~ dark
3722 ~ Green grey
3723 ~ Green grey ~ medium
3726 ~ Black avocado green
3745 ~ Golden olive ~ dark
3833 ~ Mustard
3834 ~ Beige grey ~ very dark
4113 ~ Mocha beige ~ medium
4216 ~ Coffee brown ~ drk
4531 ~ Drab brown ~ very light
4622 ~ Shell pink ~ light
4623 ~ Shell pink ~ dark
4643 ~ Antique mauve ~ very light
2 strands of Soie d’Alger on 28ct linen
1814 ~ Fern green ~ light
2226 ~ Olive green ~ very dark
2242 ~ Golden olive ~ very light
2757 ~ Grey green ~ medium
2915x 2 ~ Salmon ~ dark
3026 x 2 ~ Mauve ~ dark
3426 ~ Pewter grey ~ very dark
3715 x 2 ~ Khaki green ~ dark
3722 ~ Green grey
3723 ~ Green grey ~ medium
3726 ~ Black avocado green
3745 ~ Golden olive ~ dark
3833 ~ Mustard
3834 ~ Beige grey ~ very dark
4113 ~ Mocha beige ~ medium
4216 ~ Coffee brown ~ dark
4531 ~ Drab brown ~ very light
4622 ~ Shell pink ~ light
4623 ~ Shell pink ~ dark
4643 ~ Antique mauve ~ very light
1 strand of Soie 100.3 on 40 to 56ct linen
621 ~ Fern green ~ light
531 ~ Olive green ~ very dark
148 ~ Golden olive ~ very light
029 ~ Grey green ~ medium
494 ~ Salmon ~ dark
384 ~ Mauve ~ dark
528 ~ Pewter grey ~ very dark
396 ~ Khaki green ~ dark
465 ~ Green grey
565 ~ Green grey ~ medium
596 ~ Black avocado green
616 ~ Golden olive ~ dark
562 ~ Mustard
603 ~ Beige grey ~ very dark
433 ~ Mocha beige ~ medium
318 ~ Coffee brown ~ dark
740 ~ Drab brown ~ very light
177 ~ Shell pink ~ light
443 ~ Shell pink ~ dark
191 ~ Antique mauve ~ very light
1 strand of DMC on 40 to 46ct linen
523 ~ Fern green ~ light
730 ~ Olive green ~ very dark
834 ~ Golden olive ~ very light
926 ~ Grey green ~ medium
3328 ~ Salmon ~ dark
3685 ~ Mauve ~ dark
3799 ~ Pewter grey ~ very dark
3011 ~ Khaki green ~ dark
3053 ~ Green grey
3052 ~ Green grey ~ medium
934 ~ Black avocado green
830 ~ Golden olive ~ dark
371 ~ Mustard
640 ~ Beige grey ~ very dark
3863 ~ Mocha beige ~ medium
801 ~ Coffee brown ~ dark
613 ~ Drab brown ~ very light
223 ~ Shell pink ~ light
3721 ~ Shell pink ~ dark
778 ~ Antique mauve ~ very light
2 strands of DMC on 28 to 36ct linen
523 ~ Fern green ~ light
730 ~ Olive green ~ very dark
834 ~ Golden olive ~ very light
926 ~ Grey green ~ medium
3328 ~ Salmon ~ dark
3685 ~ Mauve ~ dark
3799 ~ Pewter grey ~ very dark
3011 x 2 ~ Khaki green ~ dark
3053 ~ Green grey
3052 ~ Green grey ~ medium
934 ~ Black avocado green
830 ~ Golden olive ~ dark
371 ~ Mustard
640 ~ Beige grey ~ very dark
3863 ~ Mocha beige ~ medium
801 ~ Coffee brown ~ dark
613 ~ Drab brown ~ very light
223 ~ Shell pink ~ light
3721 ~ Shell pink ~ dark
778 ~ Antique mauve ~ very light

Linen Sizes

The design area is 290 stitches (w) x 308 stitches (h). Our calculations have included a 3" margin for finishing and framing. The model was stitched on 46ct linen overdyed by Fiber on a Whim to the shade Light Dunes. We recommend that you use a count and fabric that you enjoy working with.

28ct linen: Design: 20.71" x 22.00" Fabric: 26.71" x 28.00"
30ct linen: Design: 19.33" x 20.53" Fabric: 25.33" x 26.53"
32ct linen: Design: 18.13" x 19.25" Fabric: 24.13" x 25.25"
36ct linen: Design: 16.11" x 17.11" Fabric: 22.11" x 23.11"
40ct linen: Design: 14.5" x 15.40" Fabric: 20.5" x 21.40"
46ct linen: Design: 12.61" x 13.39" Fabric: 18.61" x 19.39"
56ct linen: Design: 10.36" x 11.00" Fabric: 16.36" x 17.00"
62/52ct linen: Design: 9.35" x 11.85" Fabric: 15.35" x 17.85"

Stitch Guide

The sampler has been rated as suitable for needleworkers of all abilities. The stitches used are cross stitch over two threads of linen with the verse and part of the date being worked in cross stitch over one thread of linen.

Cross stitch ~ Is made up of two stitches worked over one or two threads. You should make all your stitches cross in the same direction for a neat and uniform finish.

You have to be careful not to pull the thread through the intersection of the woven linen threads. The warp and weft fibres are not “interlocked” at intersections; they simply pass over and under one another. As a result, when stitching over one thread, some stitches can slip and disappear. Lay your stitches away from the direction you are working. This prevents the thread from slipping through the intersections.
