3 thoughts on “Be Proud Of Your Needlework

  1. Thank you for such a lovely supportive speech. In needlework our community can become a little
    Self absorbed with using silk and high count fine linen. DMC and Aida cloth have a place and ,as you said, it is the stitching we should praise and rejoice in – think only of the rough materials of the Bayeaux Tapestries.

  2. What a loving and kind video I too started my journey stitching on aida and have older pieces that
    I love and display. I do now stitch on linen but so agree stitching is to be enjoyed and is the stitchers master piece. Thanks so much for your kind words

  3. Thank you for saying what you did about how it doesn’t matter whether you stitch on Aida or Linen. It is the joy you receive from stitching. That is so important. It is not a competition. THANK YOU!!

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